About Tidewater Chapter

Chapter Mission Statement:
The Tidewater Chapter of the BMW Car Club of America (BMW CCA) is an association of people with enthusiasm for the BMW marque, dedicated to enjoying BMWs in all their aspects and sharing their enthusiasm with others.

The Tidewater Chapter is the seventh oldest BMW CCA chapter. We serve 700 members in Eastern Virginia, the Eastern Shore of Virginia and the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Our Chapter is very active and typically holds 20 events per year, publishes a newsletter six times per year and can be found on the web and on Facebook. Our events include driving events, socials, dinners, tech sessions and charity events. If you have an interest in BMWs we are the right place for you!


Mailing Address

PO Box 62145

Virginia Beach, VA 23462-2145
To become a member, visit the National BMW CCA web site . There you will find membership forms. Once you become a member, you will be assigned to the Tidewater Chapter. Also, you are welcome to join us at one of our events and have a current member help you to join up.


Original 1972 Chapter ByLaws       Proposed Changes to Chapter ByLaws








All information found here is for members and advertisers only. Ideas, suggestions, writings, and opinions are those of the contributing authors without authentication by or liability to the BMW CCA, the Editors, or Officers of the Tidewater BMW CCA chapter. No information on www.tidewaterbmwcca.org bears the status of “Factory Approved” unless so stated and implies no endorsement or guarantees expressed. The Tidewater Chapter of the BMW CCA is completely independent of and in no way connected with BMW NA or BMW AG. The contents of this web site remain the property of the chapter. All BMW CCA chapters, with permission, may quote or copy from the publication provided full credit is given to the author and the Tidewater Chapter unless noted as “Copyrighted” and is not used for commercial purposes.

1971 – 2021

Chapter das Kummet Newsletter Q3 24


Upcoming Events

Current Board Members

President: Vacant
Vice-President: Will Jeter
Secretary: Al Resnick
Treasurer: Andy McCulley
Events: James Loriol
Editor: Vacant
Merchandise: Melissa Peppenhorst
Membership: Amy Finney
Webmeister: Judy Semo

BMW Foundation Newsletter-Issue #18