
 Every organization runs on “Volunteer Power” and the Tidewater Chapter is no exception. All Officer positions, committee chairs, Board members and even the BBQ cooks are our most valued volunteers.

Get in on the action, meet other members and reap the rewards of supporting our Chapter’s activities.

Chapter Events Committee

Do you have a favorite drive, activity or fun event you could share with with your fellow members? Become a part of the planning and participation in our year-round BMW celebrations of car-centric and social activities. Help with a single event or with as many as you want. Join with other members, maybe your partner/navagator in the leading or organizing a curvy rolling country drive or a destination foodie experience. Give us your ideas!

CPA Skill Set Needed

Have an acounting background? Like numbers? We are looking for you to volunteer to take charge of our tax and accounting software. If you are familiar with filing taxes for non-profilts and Xero accounting software , it won’t take you any time at all to get our books in tiptop shape. Time commitment is minimal after setup. Step up! – contact board@twbmwcca.org


 Volunteers to helm our newletter!!

das Kummet Support

Gain experience in writing and collecting articles and photos, work with layout design and select a cover shots that represents the Tidewater Chapter commitment to our members. The newsletter team is seeking talent to help with the publication of the quarterly issues of das Kummet. You will set article deadlines and prod officers and authors to submit on time. Volunteer to help for one or all four issues this year.  Contact secretary@twbmwcca.org

1971 – 2021

Chapter das Kummet Newsletter Q3 24


Upcoming Events

Current Board Members

President: Vacant
Vice-President: Will Jeter
Secretary: Al Resnick
Treasurer: Andy McCulley
Events: James Loriol
Editor: Vacant
Merchandise: Melissa Peppenhorst
Membership: Amy Finney
Webmeister: Judy Semo

BMW Foundation Newsletter-Issue #18