Voting Open for Chapter Officers – Do It Now!

Votes will be accepted between Nov. 15th and Dec. 10th, 2023

Elections for the President and the Secretary of the Tidewater Chapter are open and we need your help to continue our chapter’s path to excellence 

Nominations for both positions were asked for and received in October 2023

There was no nomination for President and one nomination for Secretary.

According to our By-Laws, an election must be held regardless of the number of candidates – so, please vote using the form below. Write -ins are encouraged.  You may also write-in yourself.

The form automatically emails your vote to the Board of Directors for tabulation.

****Link to Position descriptions ****


All current members and associate members in good standing are eligible to vote.

If you can’t use the form, then PRINT THIS PAGE AND SEND BY MAIL, OR SEND AN EMAIL to the Secretary WITH THE SAME INFORMATION and return to:

Tidewater BMW CCA – Election Committee
P.O. Box 62145
Virginia Beach, VA 23462-2145


Voting Form - Submit Nov 15th - Dec 10th

Mark the checkbox for Al Resnick or write in your candidate.

15 + 9 =

1971 – 2021

Chapter das Kummet Newsletter Q3 24


Upcoming Events

Current Board Members

President: Vacant
Vice-President: Will Jeter
Secretary: Al Resnick
Treasurer: Andy McCulley
Events: James Loriol
Editor: Vacant
Merchandise: Melissa Peppenhorst
Membership: Amy Finney
Webmeister: Judy Semo

BMW Foundation Newsletter-Issue #18